RRRASOC (Resource Recovery and Recycling Authority of Southwest Oakland County)

This is an example website to show you how easily the ReCollect Waste Wizard integrates into your website.

Try the Waste Wizard on your site!

Add the code block below to your website to embed the Waste Wizard.

    _recollect_config = { area: "RRRASOC", name: "wizard" };

<script src="https://assets.us.recollect.net/api/widget.js" charset="UTF-8"></script>

You can also customize the widget with other options. To see them in use, set the following page URL parameters:

  • hide_header=1 - Hide the widget header
  • transparent=1 - Make the widget transparent (border-less)
  • location=49.123,-100.345 - Set a given location for the widget
  • scripts=head - Set to head or footer to change where the snippet should be placed.
  • page=some_page_name - Load the widget to the given page
  • process=some_process_name - Load the widget with the given process
  • set=some_page_set - Load the widget with the given page set set.
  • result_url=https://example.com - Url where results should go to (useful for search-material and search-address snippets.
  • search=search_term - Load the widget and auto-search for the given string
  • place=PLACE_ID - Load the widget with the given place set
  • tab=1 - Load the widget open to tab 0,1,2,...
  • theme=theme_name - Load the widget using the given theme

Embedding the Web App on a Wordpress site?

The easiest way to install the ReCollect web app is to use the ReCollect Wordpress Plugin. Check it out here!

It's very easy to try out the Waste Wizard to see how it works.

You or your web administrator can easily put the web app code anywhere on your public websites or private intranet!

ReCollect Platform

The Waste Wizard web app loads itself from the ReCollect Platform, so it is always up to date, secure, and monitored by us for availability and performance.

Heads up!

Please try out the Waste Wizard web app, but production use is restricted to customers of the ReCollect Platform.

Waste Wizard for RRRASOC (Resource Recovery and Recycling Authority of Southwest Oakland County)